Opencart Braintree Payment Method
Opencart, 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x
Last updated
22 Jun 2023
24 Mar 2017
Developed by Opencart partner
3 Months free support
Documentation included
This payment gateway works with checkout for payment in Opencart. It will work in Production(Live) as well as Test mode. Braintree payment gateway handles everything, including creation of user, maintaining their vaults etc.
How to check this module?
For Admin
- For checking the admin panel of the module, you can click on the "Demo" button then in the header, you need to click on the “Back End”.
- After login, you can check for the module's configuration by navigating to-- Extensions > Payments > Brain Tree.
- For admin login, you have to use these credentials
- Username : demo
- Password: demo
For Customer
- For checking the customer view, you can click on the "Demo" button.
- The customer can see Brain Tree payment method at the checkout page.
- For customer login, you have to use these credentials
- Username :
- Password: demo