Opencart Marketplace Store Manage
Opencart, 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x
Last updated
23 Jun 2023
24 Mar 2017
Developed by Opencart partner
3 Months free support
Documentation included
This module provide store manage option to Seller and Admin. This module works like maintenance module for Marketplace links and with better UI and options. This module provide Seller / Admin to enable / disable various Marketplace links for customer or buyers.
How to check this module?
- For checking the admin panel of the module, you can click on the "Demo" button then in the header, you need to click on the “Admin Login”.
- After login, you can check for the module's configuration by navigating to-- Extensions > Extensions > Modules > Marketplace Store Manage.
- Admin can manage marketplace module links for every seller.
- Admin can disable seller for limited time period.
- For admin login, you have to use these credentials
- Username : demo
- Password: demo
- For checking the vendor view, you can click on the "Demo" button.
- You can see an option of "Manage Store" on account menu.
- For vendor login, you have to use these credentials
- Username :
- Password: demo
- For checking the customer view, you can click on the "Demo" button.
- After login clicking on seller's profile. The customer can see a timer.
- For customer login, you have to use these credentials
- Username :
- Password: demo