Opencart Marketplace Wholesale

  (3 Ratings)
Opencart Marketplace Wholesale


Opencart, 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x

Last updated

23 Jun 2023


19 Sep 2017

Developed by Opencart partner

3 Months free support

Documentation included

This extension allows the wholesalers to register at the wholesaler marketplace thereby allowing the wholesalers to set up their products as well. The wholesalers can add their products with quote option.Sellers can quote the wholesaler products along with a message intended for the wholesaler. The wholesalers will be able to manage their products, quotations, leads, and price rules.

How to check this module?

- For checking the admin panel of the module, you can click on the "Demo" button then in the header, you need to click on the “Back End”.

- After login, you can check for the module's configuration by navigating to-- Extensions > Extensions > Modules > Marketplace Wholesale.

- For admin login, you have to use these credentials

        - Username : demo

        - Password: demo

After registering as a wholesaler, the wholesaler can login and manage his/her wholesale panel. Clicking on “Wholesale  Marketplace” tab the wholesaler gets multiple options for managing his or her wholesale account.

- The wholesaler can view the overview details of the wholesale marketplace via wholesale dashboard by navigating through Wholesale Marketplace > Wholesale Dashboard.

- Click on Profile link to manage the wholesaler profile. 

- Click on Products to manage the wholesaler products. 

- The wholesaler can manage the Quotations by navigating through Wholesale Marketplace > Quotations.

- The wholesaler can manage the Product Leads by viewing leads/reply on leads/deleting leads. Product leads can be navigated through Wholesale Marketplace >Leads.

- The wholesaler can manage the Price Rules by adding /viewing/editing/deleting Price Rules. Price Rule can be navigated through Wholesale Marketplace >Price rule.

- For Wholesaler login, you have to use these credentials

        - Username : demo1

        - Password : demo

- For checking the seller view, you can click on the "Demo" buttonThe seller will log-in to his/her account to see and quote the wholesale products by the wholesalers. 

- The seller can view the wholesale product by navigating through Wholesale > Wholesale Product. After navigating to the wholesale product the seller can see the list of the wholesale product and ask for a quotation from the product list.

- The seller can view the wholesale quotation by navigating through Wholesale > Wholesale Quotation. After navigating to the wholesale product quotation the seller can see the list of the quotation and can contact to the wholesaler for any quotation.

- For seller login, you have to use these credentials

        - Username :

        - Password: demo