Opencart Wallet System
Opencart 3.x.x.x
Last updated
31 Dec 2024
26 Oct 2016
Developed by Opencart partner
3 Months free support
Documentation included
How to check this module?
- For checking the admin panel of the module, you can click on the "Demo" button then in the header, you need to click on the “Back End”.
- After login, you can check for the module's configuration by navigating to-- Extensions > Extensions > Order Totals > Wallet System &Wallet Discount
- On the left side, there is an option of Wallet System from credit history and debit history. You can credit and debit amount to the customer.
- From customer details, you can customers with their wallet amount.
- For admin login, you have to use these credentials
- Username : demo
- Password: demo
- For checking the customer view, you can click on the "Demo" button.
- After login, the customer can see a tab called “My Wallet” in their account and the total balance of the Wallet.
- A customer can enter the wallet amount and click on add money to the wallet to add the wallet amount to the cart and buy wallet money and it will get added to Wallet.
- For customer login, you have to use these credentials
- Username :
- Password: demo