Opencart Trash

  (3 Ratings)
Opencart Trash


Opencart, 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x

Last updated

23 Jun 2023


28 Apr 2017

Developed by Opencart partner

3 Months free support

Documentation included

This is the most awaited module for opencart community working on every opencart versions . opencart trash is very useful if you made any mistake and want to product, customer, category and manufacturer back then you must have this module.This module helps you to restore your deleted product, customer, category and manufacturer.

How to check this module?

- For checking the admin panel of the module, you can click on the "Demo" button then in the header, you need to click on the “Back End”.

- After login, you can check for the module's configuration by navigating to-- Extensions > Modules > Trash.

- You can see "Trash Menu" on the left side menu. After clicking on Trash Menu you can see four options.

- You can go to Trash > Deleted Products, then you can restore product and can delete as well.

- You can go to Trash > Deleted Customers, and you can restore and delete them permanently.

- Now go to Trash > Deleted Manufacturer and you can easily restore and delete them permanently 

- For admin login, you have to use these credentials

        - Username: demo

        - Password: demo