Opencart Marketplace Multi Tenant Auction

  (3 Ratings)
Opencart Marketplace Multi Tenant Auction


Opencart 3.x.x.x

Last updated

23 Jun 2023


16 Jan 2017

Developed by Opencart partner

3 Months free support

Documentation included

Opencart Marketplace Multi Tenant Auction module will enable the auction feature for your Marketplace using which sellers and admin can add auction in their product and the buyer can bid on their product.With the use of this module, admin and sellers can place auction products. Customers can place four types of auctions which are standard, incremental, automatic, and reserve auction.

How to check this module?

For Admin

- For checking the admin panel of the module, you can click on the "Demo" button then in the header, you need to click on the “Admin Login”.

- For admin login, you have to use the below given credentials

        - Username : demo

        - Password: demo

- After login, you can check for the module's configuration by navigating to-- Extensions > Extensions > Modules > Marketplace Auction.

- You can also find a link named Auction Manager on left side menu, by which admin can see the auction product list of store and seller also on edit the details.

For Customer

- For checking the customer view, you can click on the same "Demo" button.

- For customer login, you have to use the below given credentials

        - Username :

        - Password: demo

- After login with the below details, the customer will be able to bid on auction product.

- With the header link named as Auction, the customer can see all the auction product list.

- The customer can also see the automatic bid list of auction product at product page layout.

For Seller

- After login with the below details, sellers will be able to see a link named Marketplace Auction under the marketplace menu at account layout. By which seller can find their auction product list.

- For  seller login, you have to use these credentials

        - Username :

        - Password: demo