Marketplace Customer Reverse Auction
Opencart 3.x.x.x
Last updated
22 Jun 2023
09 Jan 2017
Developed by Opencart partner
3 Months free support
Documentation included
Opencart Marketplace Customer Reverse Auction module adds a revolutionary feature in your marketplace. Now a customer can request any product from all the sellers of that marketplace. Once request is approved by admin, sellers of the marketplace can place bid for that request to fulfill the request of the customer. Now a customer can choose lowest bid to purchase the product. He will accept the bid and purchase product from the seller on lowest price.
How to check this module?
- For checking the admin panel of the module, you can click on the "Demo" Button then in the header, you need to click on the “Back End”.
- After login, you can check for the module configuration by navigating to-- Extensions > Extensions > Modules > Marketplace Customer Reverse Auction.
- You can also find a link named Customer Reverse Auction, by which admin can see the customer's request list and also can approve them.
- Username : demo
- Password: demo
- For checking the customer view, you can click on the "Demo" Button.
- After login with the below details, customer will find three options in account menu:
- Add Request: With this option customers can add their request.
- Request List: Under this option customers can see their request.
- Bid List: Here customers can see all the sellers who bid on customer's request.
- For customer login, you have to use the below given credentials
- Username :
- Password: demo
- For checking the seller view, you can click on the "Demo" Button.
- After login with the below details, sellers will be able to see a link named Manage Request's Bid List under the marketplace menu at account layout. By which seller can find their bid list regarding customer's request.
- For seller login, you have to use the below given credentials
- Username :
- Password: demo